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    Friday, April 29, 2005

    Clown Legend Strikes Back, and This Time In HELP

    After 6 hours of sitting through a briefing in HELP "UNIVERSITY COLLEGE", I know finally have the wisdom, the answer, to Malaysia's biggest mystery. The reason, the factor, the answer, to why graduates with "honours" do not get jobs. They do not need it. They have gold in their mouth!!!!!!!!!!

    Started of normally, where everybody was soooooo excited, then the lecturers starts to give their introduction. They begin the ever popular and cliche phase of speech, the " ASK THE AUDIENCE". "What do you want to be?" To make sure nobody knows that these freshmen has gold in their mouth, they shut it. The lecturers took desperate manouver to make them speak out. Only one clown made noise, the others, trying to keep the treasure in their mounth safe, chose to shut theirs. Then, the clown and his sidekick, went on with the session by making so much of noise, making merry along the way. Now this clown and his side kick is now popular as the Inferior Noise Making Duo. Which of course, the others did not say it, because the treasure in their mouth must be kept properly. The Duo, now the most popular clowns, went on with their studies.

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