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    Monday, April 04, 2005

    I Met My Love On Friendster, NOT!!!

    Was logging on to friendster one day( I know, I condemned it, so what? it's free..), checking out whatever message i have,(all my friends online is also reality fiends) and then suddenly I got a...what was that again...oh, "friend request". This phrase is preposterous. I don't know who will want to request to be friends. Most of you online were just trying for "Hot Looking girl/boys request". Or maybe "I need a new boyfriend/girlfriend" So i just clicked on it, got on, and oh, shin yi. Personally I already know about.....4 shin yis in real life. But maybe it is one of them, so I accepted and asked her, " Which Shin yi are you?" Well, the answer was given and now I officially know Shin yis.....

    That is not my point. The point will appear as you read on. After making sure who she was, I sent her this "SO, how far do you want this friendship to go?"

    This is the question I ask to all Friendster users. You get a person as your "friend", but they just stay there as your friend. No message, no nothing, just stays there. Maybe some of of you would go and ask them out. But most of them just stays there.

    And then there is the outcasts. from what Friendster says, make friends with everyone!! but i know some who paste their pics...and are not good looking, has no request. Yeah, that is true. Shallow ASSES.

    So now i m on, on again to go against online friendship.....

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Well said o great badut. It's pointless when you have contact with people but don't even engage socially at all. Which is why I blocked any requests from anyone I didn't know who wanted to be my friend(Friend, bah! It's just a word). And again in messenger they just add you and don't even say a thing. WTFing point!!