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    Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    Catholic Church Statistics by Dan Braun

    The Hidden Catholic Church is mean,
    Everyone who does not agree with them are errors,
    When you add up the dissent it is known as sum of errors,
    The average amount of error among all the people who does not agree with Catholic Church are the STANDARD DEVIATION,
    People who are 3 standard deviations away are outliers that does not matter because they are Muslims.


    The t-test is to prove ur faith as a person who is going to hell or heaven.


    eileen toh said...

    good one haha

    Jamie said...

    hahaha i trust you did not come up with it yourself..... if i was not a christian i would be impress.. but because i am, i am amused

    adelandria said...

    now that's an interesting way to look at it...


    Knowolf said...

    Tin: Thanks
    Jamie: Yeah, i did. i had nothing to do
    Adelandria:helped u in stats ? haha